Pin favourite sets
under review
Torbjörn Hedberg
Even better would to be able to create custom sets (project 1, client 2, etc) with X number of sets and have these be searchable as well.
Gustavo Acosta
Can we have like a favorite button next to an icon or an illustration in order to put that icon, illustration in a favorite list (maybe also be able to create a list and put a name to it) some libraries are so large that i spend a lot of time looking for the exact icon i used for a project when i need it again for something else, thank you very much for your help
Fyodor, tech lead
Merged in a post:
Multi-select Icons for Favorite Collections
Lilac Guitar
Hello-I love the ability to create Favorite Collections to narrow options for teams but is there a way to add an entire collection to our Favorite set?
We would like to favorite:
Fyodor, tech lead
Merged in a post:
Figma plugin limit view to used libraries
Anton Bahrencheer
As an example i use Flex regular and flex bold but none of the other sets so when i have to switch between searching for icons in flex regular and bold i have to go back to the big list and scroll all the way through the sets i don't use to select my set.
Essentially i would like to set the scope for which icon sets I'm exposed to in the plugin.
Fyodor, tech lead
under review
Collections didn't really resolve this use case
Fyodor, tech lead
under review