August was such a rush! Tons of app improvements and new features were what this month was all about at Streamline. Come take a look! ⬇️
1️⃣ Added support for transparent colors in the color picker
transparency update
2️⃣ Now you can add a background color for any image
background color update
3️⃣ Now you can convert SVG strokes into filled parts
stroke outline update
4️⃣ New desktop app dock icon
5️⃣ The desktop app's "About" section is improved -- now it displays the status of automatic updates
Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 11
6️⃣ Now you can specify a certain stroke width by typing a number instead of using a slider
stroke number
7️⃣ Now when doing a global search you see search suggestions
Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 11
We've also made numerous minor improvements this month:
  • Now you are able to report a broken image
Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 11
  • Fixed authentication issues in Figma, now you don't need to log back in each time after reopening the app
  • Fixed the back button behavior when searching
  • Improved security when changing passwords